Im Vordergrund steht ein lächelnder Mann während im Hintergrund ein Meeting stattfindet.
Master data management

Data analysis by experts

Correct and reliable data is the basis for business success. Our Data Quality Analyzer (DQA) paints a clear and unambiguous picture of the current data quality in your SAP systems. Use our intuitive analysis tool to quickly and reliably track down duplicate, outdated, inconsistent and incomplete data records in your SAP system. Switch from gut feeling to fact-based knowledge. After installing DQA on your SAP system, a data check can be started in the individual master data domains - customer/vendor or business partner, product and material master data. In addition, KPIs can be defined as to when data records are considered good, sufficient or poor. This allows a graphical evaluation of all checked objects, so that trends can be shown over a longer period of time. With these results, you can make even smarter decisions based on excellent data as a value-added factor for your company.

Ein Geschäftsmann im Anzug läuft entspannt durch eine urbane Landschaft in Sonnenschein.

The goal is data excellence

The Data Quality Analyzer is the entry point on the way to Master Data Excellence in your company. The analysis tool can be expanded into the complete master data management solution SPoT. SPoT is more than just a software solution - it is our expert service for the complete management of your master data.

Your company benefits from the highest data quality


  1. RELIABILITY Trust your data and make the best decisions.

  2. CUSTOMER/SUPPLIER SATISFACTION Strengthen your bond with customers and suppliers through higher acceptance.

  3. COST SAVINGS Improve your value creation with consistent data.

  4. COMPLIANCE Reliably adhere to all regulatory requirements and improve compliance.

  5. EFFICIENT COLLABORATION INTERNAL & EXTERNAL Increase efficiency in collaboration through coherence of your data.

  6. COMPETITIVE ADVANTAGE Data quality is the prerequisite for your path to becoming a Data Driven Company.

heller Hintergrund: Julian Kittelmann, Senior Sales Manager
Ihr persönlicher Ansprechpartner

Julian Kittelmann

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SPoT - our solutions for your Single Point of Truth

zetVisions SPoT is the intelligent data guardian that turns your master data into a value-adding factor and competitive advantage

Es ist das Logo von zetVisions SPoT FLEX zu sehen.
Freely definable master data

zetVisions SPoT FLEX, master data management individual and flexible.