
Legal Entity Management

With the increasing complexity of corporate structures, the importance of efficient legal entity management is growing. It encompasses the management and monitoring of an organisation and its legal entities (shareholdings) to ensure that they comply with legal requirements and can conduct their business smoothly. Our data management solutions turn these obligations into opportunities for your company: through full transparency you gain more security and foresight in your decisions. This turns your shareholding management into a real value-added factor.

With our software solutions, we enable legal entity management that is hardly possible with conventional programmes. We map even the most complex legal entity structures clearly. As a result, all departments involved in your company have access to precise and uniform data at all times: Legal, M&A, Tax, Finance and Controlling work even more closely together on the successful management of your legal entities. And you have a secure basis and the foresight for important and trend-setting decisions.

The illustration displays a cluster of circles representing the departments that could benefit from data provided by zetVisions AMI.

At the same time, you benefit from the legal security of all processes through our auditor-certified software and increase the added value of your company through smart data management that adapts to the changing requirements of your legal entity management.

This efficiency pays off: You save the most important of all company resources: the time of your employees and your capital.

  • Ein Geschäftsmann im Anzug läuft entspannt durch eine urbane Landschaft in Sonnenschein.
  • Geschäftsmann hinter spiegelnder Glasscheibe
  • Ein Wohnviertel im Abendlicht, betrachtet aus der Vogelperspektive.
  • Vogelperspektive auf einen Fabrikprozess: Gelbe Roboterarme montieren zwei silberne Autos.

Customised software solutions for your requirements

We know our way around data. For more than 20 years, we have been developing customised products in the field of legal entity management for our clients and their needs.

How your legal entity management benefits

  • Cost reduction of up to 70 percent
  • Time and effort savings of 35 per cent
  • Reliable and up-to-date data
  • Overview of your shareholdings structure at all times
  • Process-supported cooperation
Ein Wohnviertel im Abendlicht, betrachtet aus der Vogelperspektive.
Logo zetVisions CIM
Logo zetVisions AMI

We are the companion for our customers on the way to the digital future.

Christian Sohn Managing director zetVisions GmbH

Your opportunities at a glance

Efficient legal entity management means: You have a full overview of your shareholdings and subsidiaries at all times. Our standard software offers these advantages:

Full transparency

  • All relevant information in just one system
  • Single point of truth about all your holdings
  • View current responsibilities at any time

Real labour saving

  • Reliable deadline management
  • Automated reminders
  • Automated reporting

Enormous time saving

  • Click to view the current shareholding structure
  • On average 35 % time saving
  • More capacities for value-added activities

Maximum reliability

  • All information in one system
  • Data collection accurate to the reporting date
  • Revision security
heller Hintergrund: Julian Kittelmann, Senior Sales Manager
Ihr persönlicher Ansprechpartner

Julian Kittelmann

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Contact us easily and directly.

Auf dem Thumbnail ist Tobias Jakob zu sehen, Head of Software Development and Architecture bei zetVisions.
  • Das Byteplant-Logo: Ein Schriftzug mit einem Blatt, das sich in kleine Quadrate auflöst.
  • Engage Process Logo in blau-orange
  • klarso Logo: Ausrufezeichen im o
  • Logo von KPMG: blaue Großbuchstaben vor vier Rechtecken.
  • KPMG Law Logo
  • Loqaute GBG Logo, links ein türkises Emblem
  • melissa Logo, grau mit blauem i-Punkt
  • msg Logo: roter Punkt, daneben graue Buchstaben
  • Pas-Logo: unter pas in Grau steht kleiner financial advisory in hellem Grün.
  • Üeople Consolidated Logo: orange mit Emblem
  • Logo von Pikon: buntes Würfelelement in drei Farben, danach ein schwarzer Schriftzug Pikon. Dadrunter stehet involve, inspire, improve.
  • SAP Silver Partner Logo
The zetVisions partner ecosystem

Strong partners for your digitisation

Digitisation is based on data, processes and technology. No matter where you are in your digitalisation journey: Together with our partners from our partner ecosystem, we offer you fully comprehensive advice and support.

  • Luftaufnahme eines Hafengeländes: viele bunte Container, am linken Rand beginnt das Wasser
  • Vogelperspektive auf einen Fabrikprozess: Gelbe Roboterarme montieren zwei silberne Autos.
  • Ein Wohnviertel im Abendlicht, betrachtet aus der Vogelperspektive.
Our know-how is your advantage

We are data specialists

We are specialists in data management – and passionate about data. Since 2001, we have been providing solutions for legal entity and master data management. Through intelligent data management, we help companies to create a valid basis for making the right decisions. Our flexible software solutions ensure data quality, reduce sources of error and accelerate workflows.

With our software solutions for legal entity and master data management, we create competitive advantages for our customers and make a lasting contribution to their corporate success. One thing is clear: consistent data is the foundation for the success of our more than 150 customers throughout Europe. Among them are numerous DAX, MDAX and SDAX groups, many medium-sized companies and municipalities.

Das Bild zeigt ein Autobahnkreuz aus der Vogelperspektive.
Master Data Management

With zetVisions SPoT to the excellence of your master data.